What is a Toenail Fungus? Nail fungus or Onychomycosis is a fungal nail infection that more often affects toenails than fingernails. This infection comes when a fungus infects one or more of toenails. It usually develops on nails that are often exposed to moist and warm environments, like sweaty shoes, shower floors or swimming pool […]
How you Can Stop Toenail Fungus From Spreading
Stopping toenail fungi from spreading to your other nails is an exercise in dealing with a contagious situation. Yes, the fungus is contagious and if allowed it will take hold and infect other nails on your feet and hands. The fungus, like any living thing proliferate and take as much room as you permit it. […]
Black Toenail Fungus Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
What is Black Toenail Fungus and What Cause It? Black toenail fungus, also known as Onychomycosis, is a type of fungus that usually infects toenails, though can affect fingernails alike. Black toenail fungus is highly infectious and it commonly affects people who walk around public areas or use public showers and pool areas without wearing […]
Foot Fungus
The most common foot fungus is athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is most common on the skin between toes but can affect the entire foot including toenails. It will generally start on the skin and work its way into the toenails which can cause the nails to become thick and misshapen. Foot fungus is just like […]